Do you willfully turn away from the asking?

Are you in a “rut,” ignoring the inner pull towards truth and change, while clinging to an illusion of safety and security. All the while; you know that you are in a grave act of denial and the charge connected to this distress will have consequences. We cannot gain freedom by denying or wishing.

Are you running around wringing your hands in distress wondering “should I go or should I stay”? This is not the state in which to ask the questions. You have to stop at least for a moment, to create a space, to honor the power of any question.  Hopefully you feel bad enough to not continue to do more of the same but stop and reflect when you are searching for a card to get out of jail free. It is in moments when you are truly discouraged with things the way they are, that reflection stills the negative energy long enough for a miracle, big or little to happen.

The Question, then, is your miracle. Without the Question, you may stay on the merry-go-round and never get to a broader view of your world. Sometimes when I look at my garden, the view is blocked. By stepping back or stepping aside it is possible to see more of what has been planted, what is blooming, as well as the weeds that stop natural growth.  The purpose of asking the questions, especially the hard ones, serve a similar purpose.

I have chosen some Universal Questions that will allow you to gain quicker access to your core issues. By stopping and asking the question you will provide a space for the answer to occur.

These questions cannot be avoided if you are to step into a more authentic life.  You have gifts, wounds, yearnings, and longings.  When unfulfilled, you are more likely to use the distraction to avoid pain, waiting until, until.  The questions that you do not ask ourselves or the risks you did not take will be there waiting, no matter how you try to deny your truth.

Questions become a bridge to start the process of allowing more of your life to come into view. Questions afford an opportunity to see more clearly what is already working and what needs a ‘course correction’.  “ What if”? questions can start bridging the chasm between discouragement and personal power?

Start your journey with the question. “… living the question…“, according to Rilke, opens up the small safe black and white portrait and pushes its frame to new possibilities.

The Question gives you the power to break up, break through, and break down old patterns that may be holding you back and preventing action towards mastery.

For your FREE E-Book addressing many Universal Questions go to

Laura B.

Laura B Young

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