Is Anything Really a “Bolt from the Blue”?

“There are no Accidents” energetically speaking…until it happened to me!

It was a beautiful afternoon: I closed up early to drive the hour from my office to home to putter in my yard. I was cruising along on a country road when 3 deer showed up. Two bolted across but the third stayed on the side of the road skittish and undecided. I slowed to a stop but the young man in a large truck traveling too close behind me did not. He plowed into the back of my Camry, totaling it. He said that he saw the deer but not my stopping. He took responsibility for the accident so on the surface it seemed to be a bolt from the blue from “out there”.

But was it?

Everything was surreal with time as we usually think of not mattering. On a road not known for quick response, I will spare you some of the details. After the first responders, we waited hours for highway patrol to come and release us then, ordering and waiting on a tow truck, I arrived home about 5 hours later.

My feelings of safety and security were shredded. Still working on them, especially when large trucks come up behind me. So my question is…does it really come from “out there”?

In an accident who is the victim and who is the perpetrator? Or have we conspired at some level to work out something that we have gotten nudges about; but ignored?

How likely is it that of all the people in the world, that young man and I crashed at that moment in time on county road 55?

As in illness an auto accident stops us in our tracks and can be if we reflect a vehicle (not the best word here) to peer more deeply into our inner life and really see more of the bigger picture.

In illness or after an accident, people often say I can’t wait for this to be over so I can get “back to normal”.

Being a relentless student of the power of the unconscious…I think that back to normal is the last place we should want to go. When a crisis or an illness or accident stops our usual way of living, something is out of balance within and without. We are being nudged to do something a new way. If we attempt to go back to business as usual, we are ignoring the possibility of becoming more conscious and mindful in the world.

Often these things happen when we have gotten off course and have betrayed ourselves, maybe as a pattern in our lives. Trying to get back to “normal” will of course will be repeating patterns without changing substance.

Why did I need a huge Neiman Marcus thump on the head or more specifically in the rear end to stop? How many lesser J.C. Penny thumps had I ignored thinking I’d get around to it … when?

I’m not sure what it all means yet but what I know for sure it is not business as usual.

Poet Diane Ackerman said “I don’t want to get to the end of my life, to find that I have lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well”.

Join me in the questions you need to ask, to live more widely?

Just know the power is in the Question: we may never know the whys. The asking opens up our frame to know more of the truth of who we really are. Back to normal is a like staying in a small black and while frame…static. So what about the things that have come to you that you thought were “out of the blue”?

Laura B Young

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