Online Courses

Coming Soon Announcement

Yes, you can! You can have freedom from repetitive food struggles.

Diets cannot work until you prepare the “you” that you bring to the table. Let’s embrace her.

Image of woman sitting silhouetted by sunset. Quote by Laura B. Young "Moments of Relaxation"

Guided Meditation and Guided Relaxation

To find peace within you must stop and get still.


Join me for two 9-minute relaxation practices that will help you let go of the busyness and uncover a place of healing.

Flyer Announcement for Course, 2nd Half of Life

How to Make the Second Half of Life a Celebration

Uncover Faulty Beliefs and Aging Myths that Prevent Happiness 


My next course will focus on how to overcome the Faulty Beliefs and Aging Myths that keep us unhappy. Once you know how to resolve them you will be able to truly Celebrate the Second Half of Life.

Join live Tuesday 11/1/22, 11/8/22, and 11/15/22 at 7pm CT.

Course Announcement - Feeling Stuck

Feeling “Stuck”? Want to Change it?

In this course I share tools for relaxation, and walk you through my pathway to resolution: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action.


Are you feeling stuck and want to change it? You may not feel it right now but there is a lot of power here in being “stuck”…Power for Transforming your life.

During this course, I draw on more than 30 years’ experience working with women of all ages to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. I offer tools and tips for understanding your journey, and I show you how to access an energy for relaxation to occur which will open the door to forgotten memories. Here you will recognize how and where some faulty beliefs that sabotage your efforts are coming from. This powerful information allows you mastery over future “stuckness.”

I know how to do this… I’ve helped numerous clients and myself over 30 years. My pathway to resolution has 3 parts; however the first part Awareness of the hidden is the most important… When Awareness is fully addressed then Acceptance and lastly Action will occur in a fluid manner.

The Awareness exercise triggers resistance for many… Why? Mainly because I stress the importance of relaxation to truly know what is tripping you up. I teach you how to get there but since our culture’s energy is that of pushing and striving; relaxation seems counterintuitive. People want to dive into Action believing there is no time for Relaxation. If action only were the solution… there would be no “stuckness” to begin with.

I hope you will join me.

Self Love is Not Selfish

It is time to know that the most important relationship that you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.

Shame and Weight Loss eCourse

The Hidden Connection Between Shame and Weight Loss

This eCourse is designed to expose the hidden obstacles that are shame based around our food choices and eating habits. What we don’t know will hurt us and, until healed, will keep us stuck and discouraged.

Laura B Young

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