Claim The Hidden Gifts In Your Shadow!
Claim the Hidden Gifts in Your Shadow Part 1 “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he(she) never shows to anybody.” (Twain, 1897). Our shadows will not be denied! Try walking down a country road in the summertime without your shadow. Cross the road, it...
Do You Cling to the Familiar?
Do You Cling to the Familiar? Dear Readers:I am passionate about sharing that which I know works… hopefully saving you some time and struggle! During my first eight years, I lived on an island, off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. I remember well the ferocity of...
Secrets to Transforming Loneliness
Secrets to Transforming Loneliness “I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough to makeevery moment holy” (Rilke & Deutsch, 1941) Unlikely segue. You may think this an unlikely segue after spending time on the Joys of Creativity and risking the richness...
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