Create Space for Personal Power to Increase

Autumn has always been a poignant time for me. Growing up in Newfoundland, summers were short and autumns not dependable: often fleeting and uncertain as the grip of winter often takes over as early as Halloween. Even today as I write to you from Alabama, in sunshine, the poignancy remains. A Nat King Cole, “Autumn Leaves” kind of poignancy.

Late at night: have you noticed, it is always late at night that regrets to stalk us? I ponder poignancy and what it really means in life, mine, and yours; I am assuming here, that I’m not the only one. Do you ever wonder why surpluses of such feelings follow us around this time of the year?

Life if full of transitions, and once again, as summer slides into autumn, the newness of the year’s beginning has faded and with it our determination to make needed “course corrections”.

It is the inner shift that is the hardest to make. Inner shifts mean that we have to stop, reflect and face what is uncomfortable about ourselves, therefore the easiest to put off, until we get everything else done: until, until.. We are more apt to complete the external deadlines on our list.

In review, do not allow murmurs of discouragement to slide in or anchor, in thoughts, words or actions. Where has the time flown? Granted there is not much time left to complete what we had intended to get the end of the year. Don’t let it decrease your determination.  Know without a doubt that all of your progress is accumulative and nothing is ever lost.

May I suggest that you let go of the time constraints and be kind to yourself.  Do not add regretting as another stress. The progress you’ve made is waiting for your next action, whenever that needs to be. A great deal is happening underneath. Consider the herb you planted: it has a lot to do before it bursts forth with incredible fragrance.

Autumn may not be a dramatic threshold for change, but it provides an opportunity to reflect and review your life before the Holiday Season takes over. A time to create a space, to become more mindful, to restock your shelves and pay attention to your inner self.  The attitude you bring to the restocking is a critical key for successful re-entry into needed action. When mindful, this seasonal nudge provides again, an opportunity to live more meaningfully, with eyes wide open.

If not mindful, autumn will find us picking up the pace in regards to school, games, hunting, parties etc. often in a heedless and unfulfilling way. Decide to not become a victim of time pressures, schedules and the stress of doing more, and more in a hurried fashion and in less time.

“Even if you have tried many strategies and failed

 Know that your time and efforts have not been wasted.

All of your stories has brought you to this perfect place and time:

To reflect and renew your determination to stay on

The path towards that which you desire.”


All the Best, Laura B. Young

Laura B Young

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