An update on my Online Course that addresses the Hidden and Powerful Obstacles that keep Diets from working…

It isn’t about the food.
What then is it about?

I am very grateful that some time back you completed my survey about your discouragement as it relates to weight struggles, emotional eating and more…

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me as I work to develop a course that gives you the information to understand why diets cannot work and to give you the tools to use that will help you experience a transformational shift when it comes your Food Story.

This course is important to me and will help many Women examine, bring the hidden to the surface to finally and truly know that it is not about the food. Food has been used to cover up feelings and beliefs that have been denied and require separate ways of expression.

I will help you every step of the way. Diets cannot succeed, calorie counting cannot work until we excavate the hidden sabotagers.

Yet, health issues in my life are requiring me to slow my pace and, unfortunately, delay this course further.

I’ll be very happy to inform you as soon as I am able to continue as usual and can get this valuable information to you.

Until then, if you are interested in one of my previous courses I would be honored to share it with you, free of charge. Please respond to this email and I will provide you with a unique discount code.

Meanwhile I am personally working on developing more patience.




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Laura B Young

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