Access Your

Unstoppable Feminine

Power NOW

Are you living the life of your dreams?

Are you living the life of your dreams?
If not, why not?
What holds you back?

Are you ready to change, cross a new threshold, create a new story?

It is normal to feel an urgency to go forward and a pull to stay the same? Don’t worry it’s just your soul stirring; giving you another nudge to get out of your comfort zone. I’ve been on this bridge many times. Get determined: push on. Claim your birthright!

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No matter how hard you try to change you cannot have success until you know what is hidden and what to do with what you find. Many are afraid of the hidden or the “shadow” side, forgetting there is a rich tapestry of luscious gifts hidden as well.

Without the hidden riches, you may have superficial change which is just that, superficial, lasting a few days, months even, but pretty soon the purse snaps shut and you feel the same.

My intuition is especially strong when it comes to uncovering what is hidden. Some faulty beliefs that keep you stuck were established before the age of reason. You didn’t even know it was happening. I can guide you through these barriers to find your true north.


You have given for a long time and are asking …”what about me?”


You feel stuck, frustrated or overwhelmed because the same old problems keep showing up.


You feel your inner “wild child” is stuffed in a box…

What happened to your fire?

When younger, was your heart on fire to experience life as a great adventure?

What happened?
Were you “civilized” out of natural exuberance?
Did you stuff your dreams to “fit in” to keep others comfortable?
Life isn’t easy. Stuff happens.
You may have suffered from repetitive patterns of lack: lack of love, lack of money, health, right work, being misunderstood, and undervalued, of feeling unworthy, or even a feeling of shame. It’s not too late to have an incredible life!
No matter how many times or how many strategies you have tried, nothing is lost!
You have to reclaim your fire to be happy. I will show you how!
“Although the fire is dimmed, it is not out”.

Deep in your heart and deep in your bones you know…

There is more to life, much more!

Stings and arrows of life reduce confidence and a sense of “enoughness” so you got stuck where you are today.

It is not your fault if you find yourself here. You were raised to “fit in”, to stuff anger, to be nice even if you betrayed yourself.

Your strengths, intuition and creativity were not valued.

No female template was in place as a guide.


You can be part of the change.

Nobody is as together as they seem, or the age they look.
So give yourself a break.

Hidden younger selves sabotage efforts until we know what to do.

Younger selves are triggered when we can’t lose weight, can’t stop smoking, have yet again unhappy relationships, live from paycheck to paycheck, have angry outbursts etc. No matter how many times we decide it will be different, the same old patterns continue.

Our younger selves are really running the show.

It is not too late to have an incredible life. No matter how many times or how many strategies you have tried, nothing is lost.

One of my gifts is to understand and guide you through making the unknown, known, to heal the past where it all began.

To start your new story, sign up for my free pre-recorded Webinar.
Some of the most Common Hidden Obstacles to Feminine Power are covered here. Which one tripped you up?

“Feminine Power is taken from us without our knowing. You can learn to access and claim what has been hidden. You will see why it’s difficult to heal on your own.”

I cover 7 ways our feminine power is taken from us without our knowing. I show you how to get to the hidden and why it is difficult to heal without guidance.

Discover how to befriend your unconscious. When that occurs, you are no longer stuck in old beliefs that steal your power. You have mastery. Then you can have the life of your dreams!

My passion is being part of the narrative of healing for women. The World is Waiting for You! Step up! Step Out! Be Visible! Don’t put it off. Make this time next year a very different story…

I cover 7 ways our feminine power is taken from us without our knowing. I show you how to get to the hidden and why it is difficult to heal without guidance.

Discover how to befriend your unconscious. When that occurs, you are no longer stuck in old beliefs that steal your power. You have mastery. Then you can have the life of your dreams!

My passion is being part of the narrative of healing for women. The World is Waiting for You! Step up! Step Out! Be Visible! Don’t put it off. Make this time next year a very different story…

Laura B Young

Access Your Unstoppable Feminine Power NOW

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