The Many Faces of Grief

The Many Faces of Grief – Group Meeting
When: June 30, 7 pm CT
The Many Faces of Grief:
Unexpressed Grief will break your Heart.
Do you know how to mend it?
Join me for a Free Group Experience – June 30, at 7 pm CT
We’re all familiar with grief that cuts us off at the knees, as in the sudden death of a loved one, or a crisis whereby we lose something dear and valuable. Our Culture has trouble acknowledging the time we need to grieve huge losses, tending to have no patience with the lesser ones.
During this Group meeting, I’ll help you identify the many ways grief may have seeped in your life lately. I’ll share powerful ways to heal what you are going through, whether it is a “howling hurt” or a lesser loss. I will help you recognize grief in family members and what to do when you find it.
Over the last few months every one of us has experienced some level of loss/grief as we’ve all been hit in some direction or other. What do you push down to keep going? Unexpressed grief becomes depression, interferes with relationships, causes unhappiness, creates physical illnesses and stops our ability to live a full life…
It doesn’t have to take a long time when you know what to do. Attending to any grief that you may be carrying is a gift to Self as it allows you to create a space to begin anew.
I look forward to our time together.
Join me June 30, at 7 pm CT
Sign up and you will receive a link to the Group Meeting.