How To Be Happy

Leave Feelings of Unhappiness Behind

Find Answers       Rediscover Hope       Gain Clarity


Happiness is not just for a special few. It is for YOU.

  • Get unstuck.
  • Ignore what others say.
  • Have the life and happiness you deserve.


You don’t have to stay in unhappiness.

Discover how to:

  • Let go of old patterns of behavior.
  • Discover new ways of being.
  • Examine your beliefs about happiness.
  • Live a happy life.
  • Leave sad feelings behind.
  • Give yourself permission to change.

It doesn’t have to take you a long time to create a happy life. Although it may seem magical right now, I have worked out so many of the hidden trip wires and helped my clients create Happiness for over 30 years.

‘... My unhappiness was a way of Life.’

Laura’s writing and audios about Happiness gives us a chance to understand unhappiness at a deeper level than I have ever examined before. She helped me to understand why I was so unhappy in life and gave clear guidance to change the situation. In my case it was not just one thing that caused unhappiness, because it had been a way of life from very early on. Laura showed me how to make happiness a choice, no matter what is going on around me.

-T. McCauls

No matter what you are experiencing on the happiness spectrum, it can be much, more more, starting today.

This MP3 audio and downloadable eBook are your keys to unlocking your happiness.

Buy The eCourse

Journal, read, or listen to the audio and eBook to learn about your personal happiness.

Discover Your Truth

Learn why you are unhappy, how to ID faulty beliefs, and release negative thought patterns.

Increase Your Happiness

Have true happiness forever with a happy life, full of passion and purpose.

Change your thoughts, change your happiness.


What I know for sure is that we will not find happiness in what we have, receive, or do. 

Happiness occurs as a result of identifying our faulty beliefs that keep us thinking negative thoughts, then releasing those thought patterns. Universally similar things make people happy, or unhappy, according to the manner in which they think about them.

Still thinking about increasing your Happiness? 

Get the Bonus Eliminate Procrastination Audio

  • Discover an often overlooked reason for procrastination.
  • Learn how to identify and change your procrastination pattern.
  • Hear strategies for a step-by-step recovery from procrastination.
  • Know how to finally be free of procrastination if it keeps you from having the life you want.

Increase your personal mastery of overcoming obstacles within your life. Procrastination holds many of us back.

This Bonus Audio is included in your purchase of the Happiness eCourse.


Learn how to be happy by discovering why you feel unhappy.

Get unstuck and find happiness in life today.

Laura B Young

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